It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (IMWAYR) is a weekly challenge begun by Sheila at Book Journey to encourage others to share the books they are reading each week. Jen at Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee and Ricki over at Unleashing Readers took Sheila's idea and added "From Picture Books to YA," spreading the IMWAYR concept to a much wider audience.
Yes, I know I've been slacking off big time with IMWAYR lately. In my defense, I've been occupied with administering STAAR and preparing for the TLA conference. Now I'm ready to get back on track.
When I wasn't administering the state test, working on my poster presentation, or preparing for a road trip with another librarian from my school district, I've been mostly reading professional development books to improve my library program.
Professional Development Books
Welcome to Storytime!: The Art of Story Program Planning
Robert Reid
I'm trying to ramp up the library program for a strong end to the school year. This book has helped me find some new songs and storytime activities for my Pre-K and Kinder students. It includes several pre-made lessons that the author has used in his public library as well as an outline of how to create your own storytime lesson for kids.

The author is a public librarian but I found that much of what he does is similar to what I do with Pre-K and Kinder students in my school library.
The Centered School LIbrary: Engaging Every Learner with Library Skills Centers
Cari S. Young

I read this book over the summer, so I'm actually re-reading it to see if there's something I might like to add to my library lessons. I'm really trying to keep the library fun and engaging while students are stressed out with testing and end of the year business. I'm also taking mental notes on things I should work on over the summer.
Happy Birthday, Dear Author!
Jacqueline Witter-Easley

LibrarySparks Library Lessons:
A Collection of the finest Library Lessons from LibrarySparks Magazine
Editor: Diane Findlay

Picture Books
Secret Agent Splat
Rob Scotton

Mr. Tiger Goes Wild
Peter Brown

Young Adult
Marissa Meyer

I started the book just as TLA was beginning, then had to put off reading it until I caught my breath. I'm about half way through the book, and although I'm admittedly not a sci-fi person, I am enjoying it.
I am glad you are enjoying Cinder. I love the series and I think it has gotten better and better as it goes on. I can't wait for Winter! Have a great week! ~Megan
Hi there Monica, I've been seeing Cinder around and looks like a lot of bloggers are enjoying it. I simply loved Mr Tiger Goes Wild - I am happy that it won the Cybils this year. :)